Friday, May 10, 2013

Sat. Meal

Yeah I had 2 Beagles today
and Pasta 

Sat. Meal

Doughnut and Oj
More Beagles and Loxs 
mmmmm Chipotle 

Sat Meal

Beagle and Loxs the food hall
Grilled Cheese Truck is Finnne 

Boring wraps 

Sat meal

More food hall, but yogurt this time 

Wine and Cheese for lunch because im fancy but not actually 

This is mac and cheese you cant really see 

Sat. meal

Yay food hall apple turnover and OJ

Indian is the best 

Pierogis or whatever  

Final Crit

Im not sure if we have to write something for our final crit... but I will anyway. I think people really enjoyed my piece. I think that I showed it to a lot of people before the crit so they already saw the video and I think that effected my feed back. I would have liked to add more pictures to the video, I do feel the end was a little forced. If it was something I could have done over finals week I would have. Unfortunately time did not allow me to take more photos and I had to work with what I had. But overall I was satisfied with my first stop motion project and happy with the result, especially the first few seconds with the duct tape.