Wednesday, January 23, 2013


1) What is your previous computer experience? - I've worked a bit in photo shop....but I don't remember most of what I learned. I also have a laptop...
2)What do you hope to get out of this class? - Learning how to work all the different programs will be nice.
3)What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?- Well...computers are the new way to view things and through social media and things like that its becoming a good way for artists to get their  work out into the world.
4) Tell me something about yourself?- "Jackie's a real go getter"- Will Farr
5) 5 line story: I cant think of a story. Now i'm getting distracted by my sketchbook cover. I wish I was a creative writer, or and interesting person. Not really I'm ok with who I am. But sorry I bored you for this length of time, you will never get these moments back.

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