Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday Meal last week

Breakfast: Poptarts for the win
Lunch: Rice...sometimes I think its all I eat

Dinner: Penni and Broccoli Rob and garlic bread with home cooking 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Critique

For my frist critique, the most helpful tip I got out of the experience is that my work has to have more of a purpose. I like making work where the purpose is hard to figure out, or lacks a purpose or meaning that is particularly deep. I am usually interested in work that lacks meaning, or is focused on technical skill, like a focus on line or color or shapes, as opposed to artwork that says something about a group or culture. But I think, especially in photoshop, the works should have a deeper meaning. I also liked being able to look up artists that could help with my work. I think next work I do I will look up the artists before i start my project to help give me ideas of what I want to do.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Saturday Meals with Jackie....

Breakfast; Smores pop tarts and Chai Tea...breakfast of champions 
Lunch: Homemade rice...from a box.

Dinner: Baked Penni Pizza (and movies)...nothing wrong with that

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New York Times Article

I think that its interesting, using the imagery of volcanos in a landscape to make a statement about the civil war. I remember learning that during the civil war photography was breaking through as a new form of art, so that that accurately documented the civil war, so the volcanic landscapes is an interesting take on the whole situation. I feel that American art is very set in landscape so the volcanic landscapes are almost a traditional way of paying homage to the civil war. Seeing this work, at first i thought of the lack of actual volcanos in America, none that I can think of in the north or south. But it made me realize that you can bring a little of the surreal into a classic landscape and still have it be an interesting piece.